PEERS - EB Building Blocks

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PEERS: Program for the Education and Enrichment of Relational Skills

PEERS is a 14-week evidence-based social skills intervention developed by UCLA for motivated teens who are interested in learning ways to help them make and keep friends.

The UCLA Program for the Education and Enrichment of Relationship Skills (PEERS) is a manualized, social skills training intervention for adolescents and young adults. It has a strong evidence-base for use with teens and young adults with autism spectrum disorders, but is also appropriate for teens and young adults with ADHD, anxiety, depression, and other socioemotional problems.

For more information visit -
During each group session teens are taught important social skills and are given the opportunity to practice these skills during the sessions. Parents are taught how to assist their teens in making and keeping friends by providing feedback through coaching during weekly socialization homework assignments.

Topics of Instruction:

How to use appropriate conversational skills
How to find common interests by trading information
How to appropriately use humor
How to enter and exit conversations between peers
How to handle rejection, teasing, and bullying
How to handle rumors and gossip
How to be a good host during get-togethers
How to make phone calls to friends
How to choose appropriate friends
How to be a good sport
How to handle arguments and disagreements
How to change a bad reputation

What are the participation requirements?

Teen has difficulty making friends or maintaining friendships
Teens aged 14 - 16 or 16 to 18 years old
Teens must be interested in the attending program, ***Regular attendance is imperative.
Teens must agree to participate in the program voluntarily
Parent(s) are required to attend weekly parent sessions held concurrent with teen group.
Parents will be required to register their teen in social activity outside of the group setting. Social activity will be determined by the interests of the teen.

Enrollment is limited. Group will run based on enrollment with a maximum of 8 participants and their parents.

Groups are facilitated by Certified Peers Trainers:

Elaine Bissonnette, Behaviour Consultant, Certified Peers Trainer

Interviews for screening eligibility will be held during the day and early evening.
Please check Program Schedule for dates and locations

If you are interested in the program or for more information please e-mail Elaine Bissonnette,  or phone 613 722 4374.

Building Blocks
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